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Tips on Passing the Exam?


Well-Known Member
PBC Student (CPC®)
CCO Club Member
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MTA Student
Q: hey hello everyone. How can I get faster on the exam. I took my first try and I was not able to finish and had to guess about 15 questions. I failed with a 69%.........

Q: getting ready to sit for my cpc again and I am trying to figure what is the best way to study. I have purchased AAPC practice exams, and some additional study guides. I am trying to compile flash cards on ICD 9 codes, do you have any other recommendations on how to read thru the questions quickly and pick out key words. terri

Q: I bought the CPC prep test videos from Laureen and took my test last Saturday and failed :-( I need advice of what to do now to pass the test I have scheduled my retake on December...Thank you! Elssy
A: why do you think you failed? What did you fail? Did you run out of time? What was a challenge?
Q: Yes, I ran out of time and the whole exam was a challenge to me

Q: Information we can review before we go for the test? Nichole

Q: I have taken the CCS but I didn't pass. I wasn't able to finish because you book code and in the real world you use an encoder. What do you suggest or how can I try to pass the exam the next time around, just trying to finish it. debbie